The Golden Elixir: Unraveling the Health Wonders of Olive Oil

The Golden Elixir Unraveling the Health Wonders of Olive Oil


When we think about "oil," it often raises concrns about health, especially when associated with deep-frying and seed oils. However, amidst these worries, olive oil emerges as a unique contender, offering a fresh perspective, especially when paired with minimally processed or unprocessed foods.

Is Olive Oil Healthy?

Registered dietitian Julia Zumpano, RD, LD, delves into the distinctive qualities of olive oil, particularly extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), highlighting its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Despite common skepticism about the healthiness of oils, Zumpano passionately emphasizes the uniqueness of EVOO.

Understanding Olive Oil Grades

Not all olive oils are created equal. Refined, virgin and extra virgin are the three available grades, with EVOO, the least processed, standing out as the healthiest. Mimicking the pressing of fresh oil, EVOO is acclaimed for its antioxidants and heart-healthy fats, solidifying its place in the renowned Mediterranean diet.

Health Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Rich in Antioxidants: EVOO boasts over 20 types of polyphenols, plant-based compounds that shield the heart and reduce inflammation. These antioxidants act as a protective barrier around cells, thwarting oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Healthy Fats: Olive oil, especially EVOO, predominantly contains monounsaturated fat, linked to protection against inflammation, lower LDL cholesterol, and reduced blood pressure. To maximize benefits, it should replace saturated fats in the diet.

Eases Inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of olecanthal and oleic acid in EVOO contribute to alleviating inflammation, both externally and internally.

May Protect Against Cancer: EVOO's antioxidants play a role in lowering cancer risk, with oleocanthal potentially influencing the cell death of cancer cells.

Good for Cardiovascular Health: EVOO's polyphenols and oleic acid contribute to cardioprotection, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and cardiovascular diseases.

Could Help You Live Longer: Studies suggest that high olive oil consumption correlates with a lower risk of death related to diseases, particularly cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

How to Incorporate Olive Oil Into Your Diet for Gut Health

Beyond cardiovascular benefits, olive oil surprises with an advantage for gut health. Polyphenols in EVOO positively impact the gut microbiome, enhancing diversity and promoting a balance of "good" bacteria.

Registered dietitian, Maya Feller, emphasizes the beneficial components in olive oil that stimulate bacterial diversity in the gut, supporting gastrointestinal health.

Consumption Recommendations

To reap these benefits, experts recommend incorporating EVOO into everyday meals, replacing other oils in the diet. Extra virgin olive oil, in its purest form, with a green tinge, is preferred for optimal health advantages. A daily intake of 1-2 tablespoons is advised, ensuring a balanced approach to harnessing the benefits of this Mediterranean elixir.


Olive oil, especially extra virgin olive oil, transcends its role as a culinary delight, standing out as a powerhouse of health benefits. From cardiovascular advantages to unexpected benefits for gut health, this golden elixir rightfully claims its esteemed place in our daily diets.

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