The most interesting and surprising facts and discoveries in science and history

The most interesting and surprising facts and discoveries in science and history

Science Facts

  • Did you know that the Sun is so massive that it contains 99.8% of the total mass of the solar system? That means that all the planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other objects in the solar system only make up 0.2% of the total mass!

  • Did you know that the human body is made up of about 37 trillion cells, each with its own DNA? If you stretched out all the DNA in your body, it would reach from the Earth to the Sun and back 600 times!

  • Did you know that there are more stars in the observable universe than grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth? According to some estimates, there are about 10^22 stars, while there are only about 10^19 grains of sand.

  • Did you know that the longest living animal on Earth is a species of jellyfish called Turritopsis dohrnii, also known as the immortal jellyfish? This amazing creature can revert to its immature polyp stage after reaching adulthood, effectively restarting its life cycle indefinitely!

  • Did you know that the hottest place on Earth is not in the desert, but in a laboratory? Scientists at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, have created a plasma of quarks and gluons that reached a temperature of 5.5 trillion degrees Celsius, which is 250,000 times hotter than the core of the Sun!

  • The most interesting and surprising facts and discoveries in science and history

History Facts

  • Did you know that the oldest known written language is Sumerian, which was used in ancient Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) more than 5,000 years ago? The Sumerians invented cuneiform, a system of writing that used wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets.

  • Did you know that the first recorded use of paper money was in China during the Tang dynasty (618-907 CE)? The paper bills were called "flying money" because they were so light and easy to carry around.

  • Did you know that the largest empire in history by land area was the Mongol Empire, which spanned across Asia and Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries? At its peak, it covered about 24 million square kilometers (9.3 million square miles), which is equivalent to 16% of the Earth's land surface!

  • Did you know that the shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and Britain in 1896? The conflict lasted for only 38 minutes, after which Zanzibar surrendered and became a British protectorate.

  • Did you know that the longest reigning monarch in history was Sobhuza II of Swaziland (now Eswatini), who ruled for 82 years and 254 days from 1899 to 1982? He had 70 wives and more than 1,000 grandchildren!

  • The most interesting and surprising facts and discoveries in science and history

More Science Facts

  • Did you know that a teaspoon of neutron star matter would weigh about 10 billion tons? Neutron stars are the remnants of massive stars that have collapsed under their gravity. They are so dense that a single cubic centimeter of their material has a mass of about 400 million tons!

  • Did you know that the loudest animal on Earth is not a lion or an elephant, but a shrimp? The pistol shrimp can snap its claw so fast that it creates a bubble of hot gas that bursts with a sound of up to 218 decibels, which is louder than a gunshot or a jet engine!

  • Did you know that the coldest place in the universe is not in outer space, but on Earth? Scientists at MIT have created a Bose-Einstein condensate, a state of matter where atoms behave like waves. They have cooled it down to less than one nanokelvin (one billionth of a degree above absolute zero), which is colder than any natural phenomenon known!

  • Did you know that the fastest animal on Earth is not a cheetah or a falcon, but a mite? The Paratarsotomus macropalpis mite can run at speeds of up to 322 km/h (200 mph), which is equivalent to a human running at 2,092 km/h (1,300 mph)!

  • Did you know that the most venomous animal on Earth is not a snake or a spider, but a snail? The cone snail has a harpoon-like tooth that can inject a potent neurotoxin that can paralyze or kill its prey. There is no known antidote for its venom, and some species can kill a human in minutes!

  • The most interesting and surprising facts and discoveries in science and history

More History Facts

  • Did you know that the first computer programmer was not a man, but a woman? Ada Lovelace, the daughter of poet Lord Byron, wrote the first algorithm for Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, a mechanical precursor to modern computers, in 1843. She also predicted that computers could do more than just calculations, such as creating music and art.

  • Did you know that the first country to legalize same-sex marriage was not in Europe or North America, but in Africa? South Africa became the fifth country in the world and the first in Africa to allow same-sex couples to marry in 2006. It also has one of the most progressive constitutions in the world, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

  • Did you know that the first person to circumnavigate the globe was not Magellan, but his slave? Enrique of Malacca was a Malay slave who accompanied Magellan on his voyage around the world from 1519 to 1522. He was the first person to cross all the meridians of the globe and return to his place of origin. He also served as an interpreter for Magellan, as he could speak several languages.

  • Did you know that the first female ruler of China was not an empress, but a concubine? Wu Zetian was a concubine of Emperor Taizong and later his son Emperor Gaozong in the 7th century. She rose to power after Gaozong's death and proclaimed herself as the "Holy and Divine Emperor" of China in 690. She ruled for 15 years and expanded China's territory and influence.

  • Did you know that the first democracy in the world was not in Greece, but in India? The Lichchhavi Republic was a confederation of clans that governed parts of northern India and Nepal from the 6th century BCE to the 4th century CE. They had a system of elected representatives, councils, and assemblies that made decisions by consensus or majority vote.


  1. Science facts
  2. History facts
  3. Sun's mass
  4. Human cells
  5. Observable universe
  6. Immortal jellyfish
  7. Laboratory plasma
  8. Neutron stars
  9. Turritopsis dohrnii
  10. Sumerian cuneiform
  11. Paper money
  12. Mongol Empire
  13. Zanzibar war
  14. Sobhuza II
  15. Ada Lovelace
  16. Same-sex marriage
  17. Enrique of Malacca
  18. Wu Zetian
  19. Lichchhavi Republic
  20. Democracy in India

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